Known Shipper

What is a Known Shipper?

A Known Shipper is an individual or entity who may transport their goods on passenger aircraft. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires all shippers who wish to transport their goods by air transport with Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air to be Known unless your shipment meets an exception.

Read the information below to determine if becoming a Known Shipper is right for you.


Known Shipper status is not required if shipping any of the following:

  • A live animal using our PetConnect service
  • A package that is 16 ounces or under
  • Medical Shipments
  • Shipments moving entirely within the state of Alaska
  • Shipments transported on freighter flights

Business TSA Status

Business are often already recognized by the TSA. Your business may qualify for an expedited Known Shipper application process if we can determine that your company is recognized by the TSA. Please visit our Known Shipper Application for Businesses section for more information about applying.

IACs and CCSFs

TSA provides IAC and CCSF statuses to Alaska Air Cargo directly. If you have questions or concerns regarding your IAC or CCSF status, please contact us.

Approval and Vetting

Our Known Shipper program is a vetting process that has been approved by the TSA, and requires that our Known shippers meet every requirement before approval.

Business Process
Individual Process


Business Known Shipper

Ready to start shipping cargo on behalf of a business or organization? If you need more information about the business approval process, see details here.

Individual Known Shipper

Ready to start shipping cargo on your own? If you would like more information about the individual approval process you can find details here.

Already a Known Shipper?

Log in to use our online services to book and track your shipments 24/7.